Συνδέστε το παρακάτω άρθρο και με αυτά: Ναι, υπάρχουν κι αυτοί: Ο άνθρωπος που ζει χωρίς χρήματα από το 2008! - Η απίστευτη Ιστορία του κυρίου Ραδίκι - Κάντο μόνος σου - do it yourself: " How to build a 14x14 solar cabin " αλλά και (γιατί όχι;) με ετούτα: Το κίνημα του guerilla gardening κι
άλλα περί πλήρους αυτονομίας κι απεξάρτησης από το δηλητηριασμένο κι
ελεγχόμενο τρόπο ζωής και... διατροφής και Τοπικοποίηση
( Main sections of this amazing article: TRANSPORTATION: Getting from Point A to Point Z - Internet Sites For Finding Rides, Hitchhiking, Trains, FOOD: Finding Fuel for your Journey,
Eating From Mother Nature, Dumpster Diving, Eat “Freegan”, Inquire About "Food Sharing",
SHELTER: Where to Stay: On Strangers’ Couches - Non-Virtual Couch Surfing, also known as "Winging it."- Sleeping Out, NON-MATERIAL PACKING LIST: Final Tips for Smooth Moneyless Travel:)
"The Ultimate Guide to Traveling Without Money"
To most, the thought of living without money seems impossible, if not altogether terrifying. But a small and growing population of citizens all over the globe are choosing to live that way. Take Heidemarie Schwermer of Germany who has lived without money for 17 years and counting, or Daniel Suelo, who lives in the caves outside Moab, Utah, and hasn't touched money in over a decade. It's impossible to ignore the spark in their eyes when they say their lives are genuinely happier and more abundant without money.
Naturally, the money-free life is a debt-free life. But the heart of their decision goes much deeper than freedom from the shackles of debt. There is a lot to learn from this obscure cult of benevolent deviants.
( Main sections of this amazing article: TRANSPORTATION: Getting from Point A to Point Z - Internet Sites For Finding Rides, Hitchhiking, Trains, FOOD: Finding Fuel for your Journey,
Eating From Mother Nature, Dumpster Diving, Eat “Freegan”, Inquire About "Food Sharing",
SHELTER: Where to Stay: On Strangers’ Couches - Non-Virtual Couch Surfing, also known as "Winging it."- Sleeping Out, NON-MATERIAL PACKING LIST: Final Tips for Smooth Moneyless Travel:)
"The Ultimate Guide to Traveling Without Money"
Naturally, the money-free life is a debt-free life. But the heart of their decision goes much deeper than freedom from the shackles of debt. There is a lot to learn from this obscure cult of benevolent deviants.